The benefits of being supportive and empathetic

With burnout rising, employee engagement falling, and people continuing to quit their jobs even in the midst of economic uncertainty, businesses must sharpen their focus on employee retention. Add to this the reality of employees facing unexpected personal events (illness, bereavement, or the collapse of a relationship) and it’s probably no surprise to learn that employees want something more than just salary, or benefits.

Trust, loyalty and respect

Top of the list is a supportive and empathetic boss/manager. Someone who understands you, your motivations, and concerns and is therefore better able to connect with you on a personal level, which in turn improves communication and increases loyalty, trust and respect. This means you can confidently address more delicate issues with them, whether that be time off for a family matter, further learning and development options, or you just want to chat about an issue you are facing.

But it’s not just at work where we want to feel understood and supported. In our personal life too we rely on our family, friends and colleagues to undertake that role. After all, a good support system has many benefits - improved mental and physical health, reduced feelings of loneliness and isolation, better coping skills and a greater sense of belonging and security.

Hone your soft skills

As an employee, or small business owner, there is nothing worse than waking up in the morning with a family emergency, and instead of dealing with it immediately you are forced to think about how your boss or client will react.

When you manage people, or work closely with others, how you react when something negative happens to them is critical. Whether it’s cancer, death or divorce, it’s essential that you hone your soft skills - namely empathy and understanding. Only then will you be able to recognise, share, and comprehend the emotions, feelings and perspectives of others, essentially by putting yourself in their shoes.

Healthier workplace culture

When you are supportive, understanding and empathetic, you can promote a healthier, more positive workplace culture, which has the power to drive performance. In addition, you will be able to:

1.     Boost morale

2.     Build stronger relationships

3.     Foster effective communications

4.     Increase trust and collaboration

5.     Create a positive/happier environment

6.     Enhance performance and productivity

7.     Promote opportunities for growth and learning

Importance of feeling listened to

Maggie Newton, Owner and Managing Director of Red Clematis Coaching said. “It has been through my own experiences with cancer and delivering training courses on behalf of Working with Cancer (helping those affected by cancer to return successfully to work), that I have discovered how important it is to be listened to, supported and understood. Being able to share feelings with others and have someone who is on your side to offer comfort, encouragement, or practical help and advice when something horrible, and completely out of your control, happens is vitally important.”

Maggie continued. “Recently a colleague of mine’s father died. Checking in with her regularly, letting her know that I was there if she wanted to talk and listening when she did, was the least I could do. And in recent weeks, she has told me how much she appreciated the fact that she had someone she could turn to when things got too much.”

If you’d like some help to become more supportive and empathetic so you can better understand how others are feeling, enhance communications and encourage connections for optimum wellbeing and success, then please get in touch.





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